Owner/writer/not-so-starving-artist of KN Comics. Semi-professional independent creator and illustrator for nearly 30 years. 

I’ve lived all over west Texas, with small stints in northern Oklahoma and western Tennessee, but I’m currently based in Oelwein, Iowa (I’d never heard of it either, it’s a tiny town in northeast Iowa). I started selling illustrations and portraits in the late 1990s. I have always had a great love of comics and graphic novels but it wasn't until I found webcomics in the mid 2000's that I started creating my own. 

My first webcomic, Witch Way, was started in 2004 but scrapped after only 4 comics. In late 2005 my second webcomic Kenyagi was published. After a smidgen of success, more titles followed: Tell Tale Leaf, Of Snakes and Apples, Cecil the Barbarian, Spare Parts, Stupidity in the Right Ear, and Friggadoodles. 

In late 2011 I took a break from creating webcomics, a break that is lasting much longer than I expected it to be, but I hope to be back in the saddle at some point in the near future.